
Music saved my life

October 20, 2024

Chapter 46: The Dark Side of TikTok

Let’s look at the state of the world today, with out-of-control polarized U.S. politics, wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, natural disasters, and the way we are constantly bombarded with news of all these events. How we access and consume information now is fragmented across so many streams; how can anyone know what is real and what isn’t—especially with AI-generated fake images and videos? TikTok is where the younger generation gets most of its news—in short, just seconds-long sound bites. Imagine. For all its popularity, TikTok reflects a growing trend in technology that makes me uneasy, and I can’t help but wonder if we’re heading in the wrong direction.

October 4, 2024 • Part 2

Chapter 45: You can take it to the Banksy

His art really makes you look at the world through a different lens. What motivated me to share this experience with you is that Banksy is essentially making the invisible visible, which is what this blog is all about. By calling attention to human behaviour, he highlights the insanity of our world. His art is thought-provoking and leaves you pondering over subjects, events, actions, wars, violence, and people at large. But rather than try to define his art any further, I will share some of his works that resonated with me.

October 4, 2024 • Part 1

Chapter 44: You can take it to the Banksy

His art really makes you look at the world through a different lens. What motivated me to share this experience with you is that Banksy is essentially making the invisible visible, which is what this blog is all about. By calling attention to human behaviour, he highlights the insanity of our world. His art is thought-provoking and leaves you pondering over subjects, events, actions, wars, violence, and people at large. But rather than try to define his art any further, I will share some of his works that resonated with me.

June 26, 2024

Chapter 43: Movies, Music, and the Human Race

I share my take on the impact movies and music have on our lives and the role that health plays in determining if we will lead a good life or not.

May 25, 2024

Chapter 42: When is enough really enough?

In this chapter, I discuss just how overwhelmed we are as a society by the constant pull for our attention by marketing firms, designers, influencers, smartphones, tablets, and streaming services.

March 22, 2024

Chapter 41: I was a victim of an online scam

Are you currently looking for a job? Do you have your resumé posted on job sites? Well, be careful. I was recently a victim of an online scam and lost $2000. I felt like such an idiot. There were red flags everywhere, and I did not see them.

March 1, 2024

Chapter 40: Everbody Hurts

So what is surviving suicide like, you may be asking? It’s complicated. First, there is a feeling of having failed. If you attempted it, it’s because you wanted it - but it didn’t happen. So, there is a part of you that still wishes you had been successful. In my case, I don’t feel an overwhelming relief that I’m still alive. I’m still enduring the same physical, emotional, and mental suffering. Surviving it has left me bewildered.

December 25, 2023

Chapter 39: I'm A Loser Baby

That’s right. I’m a loser. I’m not a loser as a person; in other words, I’m not calling myself a loser because I feel I’m unworthy or lack self-esteem. I’m calling myself a loser because I have, over time, lost everything that truly mattered.

December 25, 2023 • (version française)

Chapter 38: Je suis perdant

C'est exact. Je suis un perdant. Je ne suis pas un perdant en tant que personne; en d'autres termes, je ne me considère pas comme un perdant parce que je me sens indigne ou que je manque d'estime de soi. Je me considère comme un perdant parce que j'ai, avec le temps, perdu tout ce qui comptait vraiment.

December 14, 2023

Chapter 37: Life, It's More Than A Love Song

Why has life become so hard? Because there is no such thing as “fair” in this world - that's why. Life sure threw a monkey wrench in ours. When I think about it, and I look at most people’s lives, very few ever really make it through unscathed - very few.
