A story of living with invisible illness

June 26, 2024

Chapter 43: Movies, Music, and the Human Race

I share my take on the impact movies and music have on our lives and the role that health plays in determining if we will lead a good life or not.

May 25, 2024

Chapter 42: When is enough really enough?

In this chapter, I discuss just how overwhelmed we are as a society by the constant pull for our attention by marketing firms, designers, influencers, smartphones, tablets, and streaming services.

March 22, 2024

Chapter 41: I was a victim of an online scam

Are you currently looking for a job? Do you have your resumé posted on job sites? Well, be careful. I was recently a victim of an online scam and lost $2000. I felt like such an idiot. There were red flags everywhere, and I did not see them.
